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Selectmen's Minutes February 13, 2006

February 13, 2006

PRESENT:        Selectmen William Roach, Emma Smith, Richard Leone, Fred Gallup
                and Stephen White.  Town Manager Donna Nashawaty

OTHERS PRESENT:  Vickie Boundy, Charles Smith, Catherine Busheuff, June Fichter, Rebecca Miller , Police Chief David Cahill and Robert Wood.


A.  SAWC:  Sunapee Area Watershed Coalition

Robert Wood, June Fichter, Vickie Boundy and Charles Smith were present to update the Board of Selectmen on the activities of the Sunapee Area Watershed Coalition.  Six towns are now members of the group.  The SAWC has applied for a grant through DES to address the following:  land use, education and water quality.   Vickie Boundy of the UVLSRPC has been assisting the group.  They have been meeting monthly and look at various regions in the six towns.  An educational newsletter has been created and Colby Sawyer has done GIS mapping for SAWC.  A survey was sent to 8000 households resulting in a response of 500.  It is hoped that they will have the full results of the survey sometime in April.  Robert Wood pointed out a development created in Newbury in the 1960’s which has very small, l/2 acre, parcels.  The development is on a hill, steeply sloped and creates a tremendous amount of water run off and some of this run-off goes directly into Chalk Pond.  Mr. Wood stressed that the zoning regulations and controls need to be upgraded and enforced.  SAWC will come back to the Board with recommendations for how the Town should act.   SAWC is meeting with the Water and Sewer Commissioners in March to discuss plans.  Richard Leone stated that he hoped the Selectmen and SAWC could work together to protect our waters.  William Roach raised discussion of DES approvals for septic systems that are too close to ground water.  R. Wood suggested that something be set up to check on septic systems every 3 to 4 years to see that they are properly pumped.  Fred Gallup stated he agrees with preserving natural resources, but does not want to impose more rules and regulations on property owners.  


See agenda attached.

Board of Selectmen
February 13, 2006


A.  Plan NH Charrette Grant

D.  Nashawaty  presented the Selectmen with an application she proposes to file for a grant from Plan NH to help to renovate the old Town Hall and Village District.   The first run through of the grant applications is due February 24.  She asked the Selectmen if they had any input for the grant application.  She explained the process stating that the fee is $2,500.00.  Three grants are awarded each year.  The Charrette is a process where professionals such as architects and engineers meet with members of the community for two days and they facilitate the input and develop a document through this to address the community needs.  The Selectmen gave D. Nashawaty the go ahead for the grant application and to contact people who might possibly be interested in attending the Charrette.  Catherine Busheuff asked how the community could get involved and how does this involve the development of the new Master Plan.  D. Nashawaty explained that the committee would be made up of very diverse members of the community.  The first thing she envisions is trying to determine what to do with the old Town Hall once it is empty.  This will be in June or July.  Catherine Busheuff expressed concern that two days is not enough time to gather information for the Town Hall building.  Fred Gallup stated that he does not want to see the Town Hall become a money pit and hopes that a viable plan can be developed for use of the building to produce a profit or even break even.  He does not want to see the building become an attractive nuisance.  A motion was made by Richard Leone that the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen be authorized to sign the grant application.  The motion was seconded by Stephen White.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

B.  Road Postings

D. Nashawaty informed the Selectmen that the Road Agent, Tony Bergeron would like to begin posting some of the roads so they will not be damaged by heavy vehicles in accordance with RSA 231:191.  She stated that the Road Agent is very reasonable with requests from some businesses that need to use the road.  Motion was made by Stephen White to allow the posting and to post a notice in the newspaper.  The motion was seconded by Fred Gallup.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

C.  Bird Flu Update

D. Nashawaty gave the Board an update on the bird flu that is touching the northern part of NH and a notification she received through the NHMA Town & City magazine.    Richard Leone related how terrible the epidemic was in 1918 and how serious a problem this could be for the community.

Board of Selectmen
February 13, 2006

At 8:28 PM Stephen White made a motion to enter non-public session in accordance with 91-A-3:3 (a) with Police Chief David Cahill to discuss the dismissal, promotion or compensation of any public employee or the disciplining of such an employee.   The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  A voice vote was taken and the vote was unanimous.

Motion was made by Stephen White to leave on-public session at 9:35 PM and to seal the minutes of non-public session.  The motion was seconded by Emma Smith.  A voice vote was taken and the vote was unanimous.

The Board then returned to Town Manager Reports:

D.  Joint Assessor Board:  New for 2006 Sunapee Selectmen Representative

D. Nashawaty announced that the three towns using the joint assessor will establish a Joint Assessing Board and would like one Selectman from each town to sit on the board.  The first meeting is scheduled for March 1 and will be held in Newbury.  Motion was made by Emma Smith to appoint William Roach as Sunapee’s representative.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

E.  Manager Update to BOS – HB 653

D. Nashawaty announced that HB653 which addresses broadband passed the Senate Finance Committee and was given to the Senate Energy and Economic Group which is chaired by Senator Bob Odell.  She reported that Representative Harry Gale supported the bill.  A hearing for discussion at the next level is scheduled for February 21 in Concord.  Stephen White stated that he would attend.


D. Nashawaty handed out two volunteer forms she received from Sunapee residents.  Mike Snow is interested in being on the BAC and Scott Unsworth is interested in being a member of the Recreation Committee.

A work session has been set up for the Town Building Committee and the Selectmen.  It will be held at the next Selectmen’s meeting, March 27, from 7 PM to 8 PM.  The Selectmen will relate to the committee what should be their agenda for this year and what buildings need to be addressed.

Fred Gallup apologized to the other board members for his absence during the past few months because of his employment and thanked them for being understanding.
Board of Selectmen
February 13, 2006

Richard Leone asked D. Nashawaty if she had heard anything further about a meeting of the Coalition.  D. Nashawaty stated that she had not and suggested that the board meet with Pat Remick to see if she might be willing to represent Sunapee.  This was agreed and Pat Remick will be invited to meet with the Selectmen at a future meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 10:15 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved______________________

________________________________                ______________________________
William Roach, Chairman                                      Emma Smith, Vice Chairman

________________________________                ______________________________
Richard Leone                                             Frederick Gallup

Stephen W. White